Some links on History and Philosophy of Biology

Groups of Research

Grupo de História, Teoria e Ensino de Ciências, GHTC-USP 



International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)

German Society for the History and Theory of Biology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie)

Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences de la Vie

Society for the History of Natural History

Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul (AFHIC)

History of Science Society (HSS)


Journals on Philosophy and History of Biology

Journal of the History of Biology

Biology and Philosophy

History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences

Bulletin d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences de la vie

Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology

Ludus Vitalis: Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida


Journals on Philosophy and History of Science

Isis – A Journal of the History of Science Society

Scientiae Studia – Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofia e História da Ciência


Other links

SHiPS – Resource Center for Science Teachers using Sociology, History, and Philosophy of Science. Assembled by Douglas Allchin

History and Philosophy of Biology Resources. Assembled by Roberta L. Millstein

Laboratório de História da Biologia e Ensino, LaHBE, IB-USP. Assembled by Maria Elice de Brzezinski Prestes

Ano-Darwin 2009

During 2009, there were many celebrations associated with the second centenary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150 years of publication of his book The Origin of Species. During this period, a working group was created that established a website for the dissemination of activities related to the Year of Darwin 2009. This website has been deactivated, and its content is being kept as a historical archive of the event, on the site of ABFHiB.